6 Ways to Reduce Belly Fat and Improve Wellness in the New Year
Different types of fat exist in the body– brown, white, visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral and subcutaneous fat comprise what we term as “belly fat,” and it’s the unhealthiest.
Different types of fat exist in the body– brown, white, visceral and subcutaneous. Visceral and subcutaneous fat comprise what we term as “belly fat,” and it’s the unhealthiest.
Which of the two non-surgical options is best – SmartLipo or CoolSculpting? Sometimes it’s not an ‘either or’ decision, as both SmartLipo and CoolSculpting can be paired to reduce fat and improve your shape.
Liposuction is in the top five cosmetic procedures in the United States with more than 240,000 procedures performed in 2017.