
Eyelid Surgery - Blepharoplasty in Philadelphia

Do you want to relieve the look of heavy, tired eyes? A blepharoplasty is a transformative surgical procedure that targets the signs of aging around the eyes. This outpatient procedure rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes and can significantly enhance peripheral vision in some cases. Whether you’re considering this surgery for cosmetic reasons or want to improve your field of vision, this procedure requires expertise and skill for a natural-looking result that LUMEN is known for.

Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

What Is a Blepharoplasty and What Can It Treat?

As we age, our eyelids can stretch, muscles weaken, and excess fat can accumulate, causing drooping eyelids and eye bags. Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is designed to address these issues by removing excess eyelid skin, muscle, and sometimes fat from either the upper or lower eyelids, or both.

Types of Blepharoplasties

Upper and lower lid blepharoplasty are both procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the eyes, but they target different areas and address different concerns.

Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

The goal of upper eyelid surgery is to remove excess skin and reshape the fat pads and muscle, if needed, from the upper eyelids. It helps correct drooping or sagging eyelids that can make a person look older or more tired than they are, and in severe cases, can even interfere with vision. The surgeon makes an incision along the natural crease line of the upper eyelid, through which excess tissue is removed or repositioned.

Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

A lower lid blepharoplasty focuses on the area beneath the eyes. It’s used to address bags under the eyes, puffiness, excess skin, fine lines and wrinkles in the lower eyelid. During a lower lid blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision either just below the lash line or inside the lower eyelid, allowing them to remove or reposition fat, tighten muscles, or remove excess skin.


Philadelphia Blepharoplasty Reviews

What Makes a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Candidates for blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, are typically individuals experiencing issues with their eyelids due to aging or other factors. Many patients start to notice the following signs of aging in the eyelid area:

  • Droopy eyelids that cause smeared mascara on the upper eyelid
  • Loose skin creates folds that alter the natural contour of the upper eyelid
  • Circles or bags underneath the eyes

Candidates should be in good overall health with no medical conditions that can prevent healing. Those with chronic dry eye, hypertension, circulation disorders, thyroid disorders, diabetes, glaucoma, or other serious illnesses or infections may not be ideal candidates for this procedure. At LUMEN, our expert facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Thomas Spalla, can review your medical history, evaluate your specific situation, and determine if you are a good candidate for blepharoplasty.

What to Expect with Blepharoplasty

Before the Procedure

Before undergoing a blepharoplasty procedure, you’ll come to LUMEN for a consultation and to meet with the surgeon. We’ll discuss your goals, assess your overall health, and determine whether blepharoplasty is the right procedure for you. We’ll take photographs of your eyes from different angles, measure your eyelids, and test your tear production.

The doctor will review your medical history, including any previous surgeries, current medications, allergies, and lifestyle habits such as smoking. We’ll also perform an eye examination and possibly a physical examination to ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery.

Then you’ll receive specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. This often includes guidelines on eating, drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. If you’re on medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or specific herbal supplements, your doctor may advise you to stop taking them for a period before and after surgery.

During the Procedure

The eyelid surgery procedure typically takes between one to two hours and is performed under local anesthesia. Your facial plastic surgeon will make incisions in the natural creases of the eyelids to minimize scarring. We’ll then remove excess skin and fat and tighten the remaining skin to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. In most cases, sutures are not needed.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort for a few days. You’ll be given detailed post-operative instructions, and can alleviate most side effects with pain medication and cold compresses. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week or two, although it may take several months for the full results of the procedure to be visible.

Blepharoplasty Risks and Side Effects

Blepharoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries some risks and potential side effects. While most people recover without serious complications, it’s important to be aware of these before proceeding with the surgery.

Although rare, some risks associated with blepharoplasty include infection and bleeding, dry, irritated eyes, difficulty closing the eyes or other eyelid problems, and changes in skin sensation around the surgical area.

Potential side effects after eyelid surgery are temporary and may include light sensitivity, double vision, watery eyes, bruising and swelling, discomfort, or mild pain.

How Long Do Blepharoplasty Results Last?

For upper eyelid surgery, the results typically last for about 5 to 7 years. If the eyelids begin to droop again due to aging, revision surgery can be considered.

The results of lower eyelid surgery are often long-lasting. Once excess skin, muscle, or fat has been removed from the lower lids, it’s generally gone for good. This means the results of lower blepharoplasty are usually permanent.

However, it’s important to remember that while blepharoplasty can effectively rejuvenate the area around your eyes, it doesn’t stop the overall aging process. Over time, your skin will naturally lose elasticity, and other age-related changes can occur.

Blepharoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

There is no definitive “best age” for this procedure, and the age can vary greatly depending on individual needs and reasons for the procedure. Most people who consider blepharoplasty usually do so after the age of 40. However, some patients may start noticing such changes as early as their 30s. At this age, the skin naturally begins to lose elasticity and sag, and the effects often become noticeable around the eyes in the form of droopy upper lids or bags under the lower lids. It’s best to consult with a facial plastic surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgery to discuss your specific circumstances and determine the best time for you to undergo this procedure.

Many patients consider eyelid surgery to be worth it to look younger and more refreshed. A blepharoplasty provides a subtle yet dramatic result, and most find it to be a worthwhile investment.

Blepharoplasty is generally not considered to be a highly painful procedure. Many patients describe the discomfort as minimal and manageable after the surgery. You’ll be provided detailed post-care instructions to ensure a successful recovery, and over-the-counter pain medications can be used, if needed.

Downtime after eyelid surgery is minimal, and most patients require a long weekend. There are two weeks of restrictions to ensure proper healing, which are detailed in the post-care instructions.

Yes, in most cases, blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia, so you will be awake the entire time.

Yes, eyelid surgery can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as a facelift, Botox, cosmetic fillers, Subnovii plasma pen (to address crepey skin around the eyes), and CoolPeel laser skin resurfacing to enhance overall facial rejuvenation.

Many factors are considered when determining the cost of eyelid surgery. The price can vary widely depending on the specifics of the procedure (whether it’s upper, lower, or both eyelids), the surgeon’s experience, and the region where you’re having the procedure. During your free consultation, we’ll review the detailed pricing and your customized treatment plan.

After eyelid surgery, there are several things you should avoid ensuring proper healing and optimal results. Here are some of the most common post-operative instructions:
  • Avoid applying makeup or creams to your surgical sites for at least 2 weeks after your surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 3 weeks as it can cause fluid retention and interfere with the healing process.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity, including athletic activities, heavy lifting, and bending over for at least a week. These activities can increase blood pressure and potentially lead to bleeding at the surgical sites.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes. Your eyes will be sensitive and possibly swollen after surgery.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, and always wear sunglasses when outside to protect your eyes.
  • Do not take any aspirin or anti-inflammatory compounds for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your surgery unless you first discuss it with your surgeon. These medications can increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Avoid smoking, as it can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

Do not wear contact lenses, usually for about two weeks after surgery. Always follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Is a Blepharoplasty Right for You?

At LUMEN, we individualize every treatment plan so that you see maximum results from your treatments. We offer complimentary consultations with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Spalla, to determine if you are a good candidate and review what you can realistically expect. We take our time to discuss your goals and concerns, provide instructions and answer any questions you may have.