
5 Fall Skin Care Tips from Our Certified Aesthetician

Certified aesthetician at The Lumen Center provides 5 Fall Skin Care Tips
Melissa Forte, certified aesthetician at The Lumen Center

Has your routine changed dramatically from summer to fall? Don’t forget your skin care regimen in the process! “As the cooler temperatures make way for a cold and dry winter, fall is the perfect time to reassess your skin care,” says Melissa Forte, certified aesthetician at The Lumen Center. It’s an especially good time after those hot and humid days of summer. Increased sun exposure may have caused pigmentation issues, fine lines and wrinkles – and sun damage can be reversed. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin and diminish skin imperfections, Melissa offers these 5 fall skin care tips.

Moisturize Every Day

Moisturizing is a must in the cooler months, and we recommend at least twice each day. In the fall, it’s best to switch to a heavier cream or moisturizer to maintain a thicker barrier between the elements and your skin. The time to moisturize is after a bath or shower to help lock in the hydration. 

Keep the Sunscreen Handy

Applying sunscreen daily is one of our fall skin care tips

Ready to store away the sunscreen? Not so fast! Applying sunscreen daily, even in the fall and winter months, is necessary. Harmful UV rays are still abundant even in cooler temperatures. 

Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly

Keep skin smooth and healthy in the fall and winter months with regular exfoliation. Exfoliating regularly helps keep your skin moist and maximizes the benefits of your skin care products. “I typically recommend exfoliating twice a week. If you are using an abrasive scrub, however, once a week is enough. You don’t want to over exfoliate and damage the skin,” says Melissa. 

Embrace the Power of Retinol

Retinol, a Vitamin A derivative, is a powerful anti-aging product. It helps fight acne, reduce wrinkles, stimulate collagen and promote cellular turnover. “Retinol is also known to even out skin tone and increase blood flow to the skin,” Melissa says. “I suggest using Retinol two nights a week to start but pay attention to how the skin reacts.”

Consider a Deeper Cosmetic Treatment

Autumn is the perfect time to have a treatment that revitalizes your skin. We recommend a professional grade exfoliation treatment such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These treatments can reverse sun damage and bring that glow back to your skin. 

Chemical Peel

While at-home exfoliators are great, a chemical peel goes much deeper to remove the layers of skin containing dead cells. “The result is brighter, fresher and smoother skin,” says Melissa. “Many of our patients notice smaller pore size as well.”

At The Lumen Center, we offer the VI Peel®. This peel is uniquely formulated with a precise combination of acids and vitamins to correct skin issues for all skin types and tones. The VI Peel is versatile and powerful! It’s used to help erase fine lines and wrinkles, shrink enlarged pores and build collagen and elastin to tighten skin. It is also extremely effective in reducing or eliminating hyperpigmentation including melasma, the most difficult pigmentation issue to correct. Skin will peel for a week, but normal activities can be resumed immediately.


Microdermabrasion is another way to gently reveal the brighter, more youthful layer of your skin. A fine-tipped device is used to exfoliate the dead layers of skin and suction them away. It’s recommended for treating fine lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne and scars, uneven skin tone and texture, sun damaged skin, and much more. No downtime is required. 

Get Your Fall Skin Care in Check and Make a Plan

Your skin care needs are unique, and that’s why Lumen is here to help you establish a new fall skin care routine. We offer free consultations to accurately diagnose your skin. We listen to your concerns and know the right questions to ask to help uncover issues. Your questions are always welcome, and we will help you make a new skin care plan. 

Lumen offers a wide range of Revision Skincare® and EltaMD® products, and we only recommend products we have tested and believe would benefit you. Our primary goal is to provide an individual, long-term solution to help you look and feel your best. To schedule your consultation, please call us at 610.525.0606.